Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Plastic Pollution and Measures to Control - 2233 Words

Pollution caused by plastic â€Å"POLLUTION CAUSED BY PLASTIC† Pollution caused by plastic CONTENTS 1. Aim 2. Introduction 3. What is plastic? 4. Environmental hazards caused by plastic 5. Measures to control pollution 6. Industries that produce plastic in India 7. Importance Of Plastic Industry Toward Economic Growth 8. Ban On Plastics In India 9. Cost Benefit Analysis 10.Conclusion 11.References Page 3 Pollution caused by plastic AIM To make a comparative study of plastics and its effect on the environment. To analyze and understand the importance of introducing effective measures to control pollution. INTRODUCTION Plastics have become a necessary commodity in today’s world. Everyone knowingly or unknowingly uses plastic substances.†¦show more content†¦AIR POLLUTION According to the World Health Organisation about two million people die every year due to air pollution, many suffer from heart diseases, lung deceases and some even cancer. There are various sources of air pollution like carbon dioxide, combustion of fuels in vehicles, fuels from jets, toxic elements from factories etc. Plastics also contribute to air pollution. Plastics that are found on the road or even dumping sites are burnt therefore releasing toxic fumes into the atmosphere, polluting the air. When individuals are exposed to the polluted atmosphere they contact various diseases that could ultimately lead to their death. MEASURES TO CONTROL POLLUTION Hanh (1992) Plastic is a bane to our existence on this earth. It pollutes the atmosphere with its harmful fumes, poses a serious threat to our marine life and apart from this it also creates litter, making the place look dirty. With the above evidence we can boldly say that Hanh’s literature is true. There are various measures that can be undertaken to reduce plastic pollution but we would be focusing only on three criteria namely: 1. Recycling of Plastic 2. Government policies 3. Personal measures. RECYCLING OF PLASTICS Nair (2010) reveals that around 10,000 types of plastics are used in the manufacture of various products such as pet bottles, toys and even clothes.Show MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The Agency Of Environment And Forest Essay1638 Words   |  7 Pages . Preventation: GOVERNMENTAL STEPS FOR POLLUTION CONTROL IN BANGLADESH The ‘Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF)’of Bangladesh is primarily responsible for environmental protection. It was created in 1989. The MOEF has taken some steps to control the environmental pollution of Bangladesh. National Environmental Management Action: Plan (NEMAP). The government has taken a project named NEMAP to integrate environment with the development in a policy framework. It provides a guideline for promotingRead MorePlastic Pollution Essay1551 Words   |  7 PagesBackground The overuse of plastics in todays society has become major environmental issue for our oceans. 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